Increasing levels of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, such as methane, in the Earth's atmosphere create a 'greenhouse effect'. These gases trap the suns energy and cause the Earth, in particular its oceans, to warm.
The more of these gases in the atmosphere, the warmer the Earth becomes. Climate change is happening overwhelmingly as a result of this warming.
The warming of the Earth and its oceans is leading to the melting of polar ice and glaciers, which are causing sea levels to rise and increasing the risk of coastal flooding for millions of people around the world. This warming is also leading to more frequent, more extreme severe weather events, often with devastating impacts for people and property.
By using the Toolkit to record you carbon reducing actions and emissions, you’ll be playing a part in reducing the impacts of climate change on us all.
Did You Know?
There is More Carbon Dioxide in The Atmosphere Today Than at Any Point in The Last 800,000 Years.
Sea Levels Have Risen Over 8 Inches Since 1880, With About 3 Inches Gained in The Last 25 Years.

What's in the Toolkit?
We’ve researched more than 60 different carbon reducing actions, grouped into categories, and rated them by cost and carbon impact. There are actions suitable for all individual circumstances. You’ll find them all waiting for you in the Toolkit.
Food & waste
Land use
Use your voice

Why is a local approach so important?
Much climate policy is driven by a top-down, national approach. It doesn’t take into account regional differences around the country. By using The Great Collaboration Toolkit you are part of a bottom-up, local initiative that provides detailed, local information to allow local policy to be directed at the specific needs of local communities. In other words, you’re helping get the right actions to happen in the place that you live.

How to get started
Open the Toolkit and browse through the various sections.
When you come across an action you’ve already done, tell us by clicking Already Done.
When you come across an action you can’t do, or don’t want to do, click Not For Now and tell us a little about why.
Try to find half a dozen actions that interest you, and click Commit to say you’ll take that action within the next 12 months.
There are lots of actions to choose from. Each one shows the likely cost (FREE, £, ££, £££, ££££) and the potential emissions reduction (CO₂↓, CO₂↓↓, CO₂↓↓↓).