- All Actions
- Buildings
- Energy
- Food & waste
- Land use
- Money
- Transport
- Use your voice
(Re)-wild & beautiful
I will leave 20% of my green space at home, workplace or community space to nature, and let my lawn grow longer so that flowers have time to set seed.
A sustainable bank account is possible
I will switch accounts to a bank that invests in sustainability and doesn’t support fossil fuels.
Avoid fertilisers
I will stop using at least 50% of the chemical fertilisers I currently use at home and in my workplace / community space.
Be smart about car travel
I will research, plan and implement at least 5 smart driving initiatives.
Buy efficiency & save money
I will buy the most energy efficient appliances that I can afford and make long-term savings.
Buy less / share more
I will offer rarely used equipment or tools to my friends and neighbours (or businesses).
Bye-bye to standby
I will turn off all of my devices at the wall when they are not being used every day.
Cheaper money for home improvements
I will find out more about how I can borrow money more cheaply to make energy efficiency savings in my building.
Choose an efficient vehicle
I will commit to buying a smaller / less polluting vehicle that uses the least energy per mile driven when I next change my home / business vehicle.
Choose second hand for best value
I will only buy second hand items or those made from recycled materials for the next year.
Community switching
I will get together with my neighbours and we will switch together to a provider of renewable electricity.
Ditch the diesel
I will avoid using petrol equipment for at least half of my garden / workplace / community space.
Ditch the fast fashion
I will take the 30-wear pledge and reduce my purchases of new clothes by at least a half this year (or make sure that business uniforms are returned when employees leave).
Do you really need it?
I will read about the impact of buying things and will wait 24 hours before buying anything new.
Don’t dig it
I will use a no-dig approach to successful growing when starting to cultivate the green space around me.
Draught busting – to keep your heat
I will get to know my home or building and seal up at least half of the draughts this year.
Eat seasonal fruit & veg
I will stop buying air freighted ‘short shelf-life’ foods at home or for my workplace/community space.
Hands-up for low carbon workplace pensions
I will lobby my employer to opt for a pension fund which makes investments in low carbon industries and boycotts fossil fuel companies.
Heat pumps – low emission heating
I will install a heat pump to replace my inefficient heating system this year.
Insulate it
I will review all insulation options available for my home or building and complete at least half.
Insurance companies with low emission aims
I will buy my insurance from companies that are working to reduce carbon emissions.
It’s a low emissions personal pension for me
When I choose a pension, I will choose funds which have “decarbonised” their investments.
Join a car club
I will find out about community (electric) car hire / sharing clubs in my area – and if there is one, join it.
Join the electric vehicle trend
I will commit to buying a second hand or new electric car or van as my next home / business vehicle.
Keep electronic stuff for longer
I will keep my phone and laptop for at least a year longer than I would have done previously.
Know your heating controls & turn them down
I will turn down my heating by 1⁰C, and find out the most efficient way to run my heating system.
Make a whole building plan
I will review all insulation options available for my home or building and complete at least half.
Make friends with your appliances
I will check out the most energy efficient setting for all of my appliances and make sure that they are all working to their maximum efficiency.
Make things last
I will use my local repair cafe or repair shops at least 3 times this year.
Make your own compost
I will stop at least 50% of my food waste going to landfill by putting it into a compost or the council food waste bin.
Making my savings work for a better future
I will invest my money with carbon reduction as a priority (companies which report on their carbon emissions, set targets in line with international agreements and do not invest in fossil fuels).
Meat free Mondays
I will have meat, poultry, fish or dairy free Mondays for the coming year.
Monitor that electricity usage
I will buy or borrow an electricity monitor and actively monitor and manage my usage of every appliance I have at home/workplace this year.
Plant a tree
I will plant at least 1 tree at home or in my community space / workplace following the ‘Right Tree in the Right Place’ guidance and make sure that it is looked after.
Reduce your food waste
I will organise my meals and fridge so that I throw away at least 50% less unused food each week.
Solar PV electricity generation
I will install solar photovoltaic panels on my house/building this year.
Solar thermal hot water
I will install solar thermal water heating in my house/building this year.
Swap to LEDs for lighting
I will check out my lighting and replace high energy bulbs with low energy LED bulbs this year.
Switch it (…to renewable electricity)
I will switch my home or business energy provider to a ‘green’ tariff for electricity.
Switch it (…to renewable gas)
I will switch my home or business energy provider to a ‘green’ tariff for gas.
Tell your MP what you want
I will send a message to my local MP to let them know how important it is for climate change to be included in every decision.
The solution is in your underwear
I will wear more clothes and turn down my heating this year.
Timing is everything
I will get to know the best time of day to turn on my appliances and switch my usage to the time with the least emissions from energy generation.
Use your feet (& knees…)
I will make half of my usual short car journeys (up to 2 miles) by walking or cycling for the next year.
Use your parish / town council power
I will contact my parish / town Council to find out if they have declared a Climate (and Ecological) Emergency and have a Carbon Reduction Plan.
Vote for a healthy planet
I will commit to vote for the politicians who will prioritise climate change and the natural world.
Water water everywhere
I will install a water butt to collect rainwater for watering the garden and find out who to talk to about water waste at my workplace / community space.
Work smarter
I will convince my workplace to get an energy/carbon audit and act on it this year.
Workplace electric vehicle charging
I will convince my workplace to install electric car charging point(s) for company, employee or visitor vehicles.