Lobby for climate action
- Many people think that Climate Action groups are the local solution to a global crisis.
- People are joining together to show support for make their towns and cities more climate friendly and ensuring a green and fair recovery from the Covid 19 pandemic.
- Friends of the Earth have identified 5 key areas that the government must focus on and have a petition to “Tell the Chancellor you want a green and fair recovery”.
- Greenpeace have published a climate manifesto “Practical Actions the UK government must take to avert the climate crisis” and have resources dedicated to lobbying action.
- Extinction Rebellion (XR) are aiming to build a powerful movement involving mass participation. They provide many resources to support people who are feeling worried or concerned about climate change and there are many local groups which you can join such as Extinction Rebellion Marches which covers those who live in or near to Herefordshire.
- The Climate Coalition are a a group of over 140 organisations such as the National Trust, Women’s Institute, Oxfam and RSPB dedicated to action against climate change.
- The UK Student Climate Network is a group of mostly under 18s taking to the streets to protest the government’s lack of action on the Climate Crisis as well as campaigning in other ways. They have resources for teachers and ways to help schools learn about climate justice.