Plant a tree
- Try to support any local tree planting initiatives in your area this year, and take advantage of them to plant your own trees. If you haven’t got space for trees at your home then look for community spaces or even spaces that business might be willing to offer as tree planting sites.
- As trees grow they start to store carbon and are an important way to counter our emissions from other activities. Trees can also be chosen to counter the effects of drought and flooding.
- Small trees can have a huge impact on emissions even in a small area as seen in this publication from the Herefordshire Wildlife Trust, But it’s all about the right tree in the right place so check out this tree guidance from HWT.
- The high impact of this action depends on the tree growing to maturity and the carbon staying locked in the wood after the tree has died – so make sure you plan for this right from the start. Guidance about carbon reduction in gardens/green spaces can be found here.
- Ecologically speaking trees improve soil quality as well as providing homes for insects and birds.
- More information can be found via the Woodland Trust here and Gardeners World here.